création 2025
In these times of ecological crisis, which is also and above all a crisis of our sensitivity towards living things, we feel it is vital to create sensitive experiences that can challenge our imaginations, as well as the organisation of reality on which our world is based.
The term holobiont refers to the fact that the life of any multi-cellular organism is only made possible by the multitude of other life forms it hosts. In other words, there is no such thing as an isolated form of life.
on the contrary, all life is always multiplied by others, by intimate relationships of biological cooperation, by indispensable inter-species links.
This piece is therefore focused on the interactions and interspecific partnerships that make up the very fabric of life. The 7 dancers will move between different ways of expressing this fundamental multiplicity, recomposing ways of organising themselves and dancing together,
recomposing ways of organising themselves and dancing together that are as much about mutual aid as they are about ferocity, at the crossroads of the molecular, mineral, vegetal, animal and hybrid planes, like so many interspecies utopias, seeking to trigger in the spectators a concrete sensation of new possibilities.
concept Florencia Demestri & Samuel Lefeuvre
choreography and dance Florencia Demestri/Samuel Lefeuvre (alternating) + 6 dancers (casting in progress)
lights Nicolas Olivier
music Julian Sartorius
visual collaboration Laetitia Bica
costumes + scenography Sofie Durnez - in collaboration with Laetitia Bica
dramaturgy Arnaud Timmermans
technical direction François Bodeux
administration Camille Collard
head of production Jimmy Geers
production / distribution Charlotte Wacker
production LOG asbl
coproduction Charleroi danse - Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, MARS - Mons Arts de la Scène, Théâtre Varia (Bruxelles), CDCN Atelier de Paris, (in progress)
support Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, GRAND STUDIO dans le cadre du Réseau Grand Luxe
residency Studio Thor, avec le soutien de la Compagnie Thor / Thierry Smits