creation 2019
With GLITCH, Demestri and Lefeuvre set about decrypting an aesthetic of error.
For this creation, they started from a simple observation: technology is becoming so omnipresent in our lives that we live in a hyper-reality where it is increasingly difficult to discern truth from falsity. Cinema, literature, TV series, video games have fed our imagination with futuristic technological references, which seem to be getting closer and closer, hacking into our perception of reality. They want to tackle these themes and sensations head-on and re-appropriate them on stage.
Just like “glitch artists” seek ways to provoke errors in the flow of data processing to create new images, new sounds, they want to disrupt their way of creating movement to reveal potential creative errors within their choreographic material.
The glitch questions the system and because it is a strange spectacle, this fortuitous phenomenon has been transformed into an artistic current.
Therefore, it is not a question of turning a critical eye on these phenomena or on the excessive “technologizing” of our society, but rather to be inspired by them in order to bring out creative anomalies, aesthetic accidents and paradoxically, flashes of humanity, organicity...
Choregraphy and Dance
Florencia Demestri & Samuel Lefeuvre
Raphaëlle Latini
Light designer
Nicolas Olivier
Light technician
Aurélie Perret
Vanessa Pinto
François Bodeux
Emmanuelle Nizou
Dramaturg Assistant
Jill De Muelenaere
Visual Collaboration
Laetitia Bica
LOG asbl
Associate Production
Vaisseau asbl
Administration, Production and Sales
AMA / France Morin et Jill De Muelenaere
Charleroi Danse, Les Brigittines, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie, dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil-Studio, Theater Freiburg, MARS-Mons Arts de la Scene, Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans - Direction Maud Le Pladec, TANZ IST
en coproduction avec La Coop asbl et Shelter Prod
with the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la Danse,, ING and Tax-Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge